Menu Redesign

Menu Redesign

Rockitacos is a Mexican-American food catering business located in Kenosha, Wisconsin. During her time at Carthage, Carlyn began to learn more about the owners of Rockitacos since their company served students at the college. With personalized service and delicious food, Carlyn felt compelled to propose design and photography solutions to the business owners.

After learning that the business needed a formal graphic designer or photographer, she learned more about the owners and the company through in-person and digital communication to craft design and photographic projects. The goal was to develop a professional-looking brand identity by altering previous material and creating consistent digital design elements with graphics and photography.


For the album cover rebrand, Carlyn created nostalgic album cover design, mockup, and a printed vinyl cover. Carlyn’s piece is inspired by the photographs she took of a female client in a business suit. As an empowered Black woman, Carlyn’s client represents Amaarae in the redesigned album cover.

To maintain the Y2K aesthetic in the new cover, Carlyn created futuristic and sparkly secondary elements, reflective textures, and implemented a desaturated purple and a bright pink.